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MasterMind Forward -ELE

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LIVE ZOOM Master Classes | Weekly | Bonus Workbooks | Intermediate

Powerful Weekly Group ZOOM Sessions with Lisa Long to Support You Moving Toward Living Your Dreams and Creating Your Award Winning Projects


Infinite Abundance & Fun!

Infinite Abundance & Fun!

Online MasterMind Classes | 6 Audios | 1 Bonus Video | Intermediate

This high energy masterclass makes it easy for spiritual seekers just like you to use simple tools that work to help you flow forward with grace and ease without months of doing inner work and you can learn this in a few hours.



Level Up Your Productions

Online | Personal Coaching| Intermediate

1 Habit Bestseller with Forbes and Les Brown

1 Habit For Entrepreneurial Success

Bestseller Book | Co-Authored by Steven Samblis and Forbes Riley with contributions by some of the most successful Entrepreneurs on the Planet including:

Lisa Long – Influencer, Screenwriter, Producer, Actor, Intuitive Success Coach

Les Brown – Motivational Speaker, Author

Kevin Sorbo – Producer, Director, Lead Actor in Hercules

Full Video Available Now

The Secrets of The Universe Revealed

Hidden for thousands of years from Humanity. The Truth is Revealed. Are you ready?


Producer Lisa

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Extraordinary Masters

Lisa Long has personally EXPERIENCED.




Man of Light DVD


The Remarkable Man of Light

I still can hear Mauricio exclaiming clearly; 


And I can feel the heat and see the Light blasting thru my closed eyelids as Mauricio Panisset touched my forehead with his thumb and shared his Light with me, in 1991, at my house in Kailua Kona, Hawaii. 

Mauricio and his wife, Kimberly, blessed my home and the many seekers who joined us those three days.

Bright Colored LIGHTS like a strobe on top of a police car shot out of him….

Mauricio was featured in Dr. Wayne Dwyer’s book – “Real Magic: Creating Miracles in Everyday Life” and Shirley MacLaine’s book “Going Within” where they share their personal experiences with this world’s respected healer.

I had some personal time with Mauricio where he told me his journey and how he got his incredible powers and said the healings he did at my home were the most powerful he had ever experienced.

I have always called Mauricio my friend since then. We had a connection. He passed over a few years after blessing us with his presence.

The donations he collected from his sessions went to an orphanage in Brazil, where he was supporting 50 children with his work.

The Light shooting out of him was REAL VISIBLE LIGHT. It was hard to believe at first… I looked for hidden lights, wires, and cords, and I even checked my electric bill.

The last night after his sessions, as he and Kimberly were getting into their rental car in my driveway, Mauricio coughed. Bright White Light shot out of his nose and mouth… I was blown away and could no longer deny it. This was Real.

This is just one of the incredible experiences I have had over my years as a professional psychic teacher.

This man was real, and I am forever changed and forever grateful.  

Lisa Long


Awakened Master

Lisa Long has personally been mentored by… 


Michael McAvoy
Lisa & Michael
Michael in Waterworld


in the movie WaterWorld

MM Twice Removed


Awakened Masters